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- Publication:
- The Commercial Appeali
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- 33
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THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL MEMPHIS WEDNESDAY MORNING JUNE 29 1960 83 HkfH fV INMW Apfi for In MmYtWMlf tf kfrl 11 Raul Estate Wa ted 13 bk oriui FBHTAfirrr! Terr rvwsrrrirrf r-lV? ALL RIGHT MEN' COVER mW B-B-BUT MAMA 1 A MINUTE NOW II WHERE'S SHE SHOULD BR ffei WililiJlH'' I IVERV RffTHOLE IN THIS BLOCKl EM i GERT VIL JbftPA dTC'l TILL WE'LL I I MARIA BEEH GETTIN' HOME I Js iuuh "He -sbi wm C'CN Wi HO IN Bkb 4 II I Hill 1 JUST RBOUT RiKal IsvUiVllf? Wk VOU KNOW WHEN TO I TH' FRONT WflN NOW WN'INI ll TIME? I HARK lCqmnmfqMom r-tecedtni pglr) I PARKVIEW HOTEL "An address of distinction' WEDGWOOD ROOM Fine Foods Parties Meetings A warm extreme I sincere pnde of ierv- all iham Ilia atl that make for good living aiajNEAT J-raomw Near Sean II 111 lllil l-LV Duplaxti for 1 23 Nogro Frop for Ron Houioi for Ront Fur 1 24 3793 LONGFELLOW Two-bedroom furnnhed houie Oa ouie na idup nnn nica nra B3 uu rercyi ialbreath Son Inc 54 Main HJI7I7I OlltPa I econv-'TON room brick turn block -a taHutun IJI At AK I MtlN I ALUto RFEinENCI I 7 1 "'N IB I aimoreland ii PRur 5 I57S MHN I I Morrmon Ifurn 3 IA 505 (Hem 14 ONE BEDROOM 370 BH evua 2 623 Believua 1 I Id I Ijln UK MIon (turn) 4 "3 Madison 18 779 Madlenn 24 H34 Mariuon Madnon 11 IS20 Madison wlf pMHMVSJ i fi J- njnrrisrm i ru? reinony vimi-rvnia 47 Wa dian nesj mmihihimi 05 Crockett I 51 67 SO 6S00i 59 East 1344 inden 1119 Mdduon 1 1234 Midisnn Ull Uin 466 Malvein lui'iS Parkwa 63 75 47 50 2nd Bl DROOMS IV li'F Cwr 7nn 'SnOr MORnM-k-FARMC fn ii i i ri RK BLDG Realtor JA 5-2441 "OUR 46th YEAR' "EDGEWOOb APTS 1927 PARKWAY AIR CONDITIONED i I FOUR I'M nrtuila anfrum a aai 1 1 wwn welcome in alter Pilk FA 7 0364 990 I nUlM 4 I 11 pvt bath pvt rntr electric and water furn Couple $45 BR 4 7331 iw AGNES PL Upper 3 rms bath window fan ulil Seliled cou- BHL no II 4 lW '5-79 BELLEVUE Blvd 1 1 am) 1 "nV' un' P1'1 "fi im hided MnLFllnn Bit 13454 94 BELVEDERE ApE Wiving room hedrnpm kitchen hath fan li onir Ulll Anu ll 6S BUH ('in aga ariann 3 Smil apt HBf S40 BR 4 1434 1361 SIEDGE-1 room fflc UtTT (urn Newly Jernrated Wit I 2450 1310 VINTON-2 rmi Keep child while mother work BR 7-1019 TWO rmuljl fan" garage $39 Sohrr adult IIB4 Snowdrn Ave ApH for Rnt-Unfyrn-UI and IwobedJ loom Inirlmnli in itove and I I I I I See Ufor ll7vi tS UK lui J06 CLIVELAND NO Foil i room BSa eWantSia KZrzSi I ALSO Sl-'K 1351 VAMC'H NO 17 Tn hedroom WWW tfl STONI'WAII NO Four roomi mve rririucralor aniaae haal 1 Bias xsLJfjmm 1573 and lug caiiTiiv Vi 'SMTgL HftRMTg fllWMfr nd aaiaae BUiWi UDiD Will (I i (1 I tint -v im PARKWAY PI NO 7-1 hed! roomi Stove refrlaerntnr Heat KttHi irne S75 00 141 BI('Kl()RI)-5 mom S30 00 IIOtiSFS 1 HOUSES U7J -luum nousa wnn 7 rooms 7 netns 'V HL "sen as a ouoix wm no J67 SHELBY I7R1VF 6 room anrl spar lyino 1693 PERKINS Three bedroomi 2 riniiii den nfr kitchen Wired for' 3-230 air conditioners 4110 Ofl 533 BERTHA COVF-Twn hedrnnm home Will alve onlion 10 nutrhase end rent unnlll rn nml 35 of 58 75000 Rent 572 50 FDWARO eMASTFR COMPANY ril KM fori e' ill 1(9 MOPTwrr atc I 1 VIM I I We" i rK I MtlN 1 3 rkrn anAiiTviw-mx AIR CONnmONKD I'KNTRALIY Memphii' most modern and functional apsrtment development featuring large a auia unns rS'n SPAN ment has colored bath flitures full ceramic tile walla and floors new ranees refrlieratort and disnonals furnished IK-ated across the atreet fmm Nortngate Khopplng Center near schools bus lines (nr each apartment and PisTground A 175 00 TO it 2 WKS FREE RENT Central-Lamar 744 MELROSE Ft'RNKiit-ra eVn rft $7950 UNFfRNISHFIl A7 Pfl I ifw rfrlgfrator nd a I IJ Rooms itoy warer turn 270 Wirina ar nd rprtral bun Iin DAT I EL REALTY CO 42 Second llL I-I9I isea st Thomas Ant ft I Save Save Savs Save Call CARL CARSON Co CAR TRUCK RENTALS 7H MAIN WH 8 3757 Offlea and Dotk 32 2158 UNION AVE Have available for Immediate occupancy I '40 't In Memphu' mom convenient modern office building Beautifully decorated executive of- flee utllitlee mnilor servue and on site peiking furnuhed ranitioneo lo suit tenant Realtors cn-opration Invited Full commission GILL REALTY CO INC 131 Jefferson Realtore IA 5-4714 2600 POPLAR Memphis' laraest suburban office1 eaXWaiSSJLWlffi lce furnished reasonable rental 1 McCORMACK HOBSON-KERNS CO Bk BldiRjealnrs A 52441 DUPONT BLDG DOWNTOWN'S NEWEST ONLY 4 offices left at 22 Second Act today If you want the best deal downtown CALL FRANK llFntR EMMONS i WILSON REALTY CO Jtet i bj 1 fl I HL li 14 UNION IOOPFR SECTION 202 COOPER 5New modern office hldl Groundi riopr front orfice Janitor service Off street parking Half block So tf VIHWi WWffi BE DOWNTOWN HICKMAN BLDO 6 6700 i i 7974 IMTBi 11 1 Ptvlune Monte FA 3 9131 MaUST 'n SlVrtek Bldi Available immediately Air condi tinned Call JA 7 4139 NICE atrcond office Apply 2tit Central OFFICE and deslt 1886 lamai a Commorclal Property 1J1 For Rent WAREHOUSE OR rAL UKT SPACE Jl 't- FOR LEASE 1035 EtRFSTONR Qholce Location Fine Office Are lleavv Wiring If Required 1 Snur and Loading Dork From 5000 Un to 30 000 Available -IA 5-OIZ) 1MTS FTbjUdlni with todi ft Plate glass ihnw room on 3 ecre Jpi 4 lane hwy Near railroad depot Water sewerage lights natural gas leienhone connections 17 ml east ni mempnis nev nnone I 7 2218 night phone UN 7 3448 USED CAR LOT FOR LEASE mM One of the best location in th ell Phone JA 5-4042 or JA 4-1572 lf nil fciid liT 7T Apd for 121 One and 2-8edroom Furn or Unfurn 245 Scott No 2 BR Furn $6450 Unfur $4975: Two hlnrk north of Toplar Viaduct1 aLX Mr nam ii i vi snii No 4 FA 7 7741 'l 1 122 Breedlove BR Furn $67 Unfurn $5250 Near Gulhrl School and Firestone See Mrs Reed 1134 Breedlova in JA 7 0044 506 Claybrook No 8 I -BR Furn $7050 Unfurn $60 Crosstown Section behind Sears See Mrs Barchlnr 508 Clavhrnok Nn 6 BR 5 7116 1035 National No 4 2 BR Furn $7250 Unfur $5750 Hlahland llelfhta Section Sea Mrs Hunt 1051 National No 2 FA 7-6672 589 Richmond No 4 BR in rn I lf rrr urn- ot3u uniur rj-aij rn bln" IBM Snuln s'd4 School see Mrs Fill 644 Dison No 6 WH 6 5759 I I D-J- Kl- 7 IDS Tr' I 160 Jatterson No 6 2-BR Near Medical Ceoler and town Sea Mr llauah ii Pnnlar am i BR 5 6434 1969 Philsar No 4 7-BR Furn $6450 Unfurn $4975 longview HeighK Sect See Mrs Skelton at 7007 WH 3 566 Philsar No 5 1 $7950 Unfurn $70 aviiaMe ur reiieet 7 lurB- mo- -a SiJl me 1 will furnish air conditioner for small 1 1 7 34 Orleans No 7 2-BR 1781 BROWN-newli- dee bed- 573 50 ng Bui JTiSf KK'l Blocks of Lgue soul Syfo aVIIV feifmFff2iiS! SrZl ft Sfl MMflU I SLPH £hE m- Sndy yrd' mn- A 5 3681 a i Hootot for Rnf Unfurn 12S 4980 SEQUOIA Attractive brick bunialnw carport MM lor MM community Kent Mil uu Avaiiaoie now lau 10m' (handler Chandler Chandler "Just Homefolki" GI 1 8363 Office Reallors (l 855I6 Res 3097 Barron Avenue 1345 A 1 'Rent reduced "to $1251 per montn on this 17 room hed mom wTed rVant's uuarters In rear rvann quarters in rear con eerv lens i- I i I- a w-m mn a is Marks Kealty L-O in wim ncannrs main Nice 3 bedroom home in excellent condition Garage $100 5597 Large 3 bedroom 2 bsth home with carport $115 403 MAI RORO-Altrgctivi 3 bedroom home cloe to Rich Rd School $90 ELMER FA 3-9951 1507 dallas st cijmt! flU1LbERMu urn 1616 FOSTER-Spacious home refin- ished thruout iep entrance to 30- i'xii room upstairs nig cool hase- mrn fe JA 7 8375 MH657b4 Owner Near Chelsea and Bellevue 4 room and bath on shady lot reduced rent to $37 50 for shah! repairs by tenant A 7-1373 BR 2239 UNION 2story frame 6 bedrooms suitable for bonrdiog house $115 KFMMoNS WILSOsl REALTY CO Realtors 3742 Lamar OL 8 3334 INMAN Attractive twnbed room home New decorated A outlet Excellent neighborhood $75 7 J' ei HIGHLAND HEIGHTS 733 Grgcewood 2 hedroome hllndi stove 270 wiring fenced yard eomp redec Ref $90 HD 3-9661 MOVE In today EveVgreen Newly decorated 3-hdrm bnrk Stove end refngereior $85 Open isear scnoon pus shopping BR 4-6363 before Sgm iiii-orviAL Ai rs 3 newly rgngnea Nice mt walk ichooi inopping bus $105 Avail July 1 mil j-: I 5354 4315 Nice 3 BR brick At' tacned -arnnrt im a fa Tjmmvar rw 21' 3 bdrm brick air onowiea rencen Hp yarn nuiir 4 pm 2122 LINDEN at Coooer 7-hdrm a I supermarket two bus linei $73 month BR 4 4692 NICE 2-bdim house on Rolling HIM I JOB' I MArt5 REAL 1 V-W 1 171 EDWARD iiirirliv wel Margolin Br05 Kealty Lo JA5I796 Realtorg inia if bi if naai1" 777? nrLirvur no Newly warehouse of" 14 500 so ft win Pmn rAtni urtunior end truck facilities located In whole' kS! "tfamlJ frT JMiTT-T alwayi prevalent at tn rark view Spacious Hotel Rooms or Completely urnished Apts 13y the DAY MONTH nr YEAR Edward Knoff Mgr Poplar Rlvd it Overton Pk BRoadway 4-7880 Holiday Towers Madison at Wellington Vl-a-rii I 11 fll Irt Mpmnnn' na-tv Sow mkMmss ditioned ernciency apartmenti from 19950 furnished from $80 unfur' hd Maid service aaiaae tacilinea i 4nia iiaiiv rarna tmu 7 i T- 1 Cmm jnjinaerJA JHHj itl VAII I FTT I IJ WILLtll Pretty 1-hedroom completely fur- Pretty 1-hedronm completely fur- nlshed apartmeni rot ail furnished Shady yaid ar kept premises Clean an Percy Galhreath Son Main Realtors A 5 34 nisncq npairnirni wnn ail uillll ir am and well- nd nice he 44 1nei Air Conditioned One 2 BR tnd nne 3 BR ant lane furniture paneled room paved parklni The beat In comfort See manaaer Dellwood Apt 3331 Steele Rd FA 7 3342 ove and and tastmoreland 1 AMractiva efficiency and bedroom apt furnished Newly decorated and centrally located Mar Ant Air conditioning circuits 341 I XrmOn' I a 71aa MT" CO A 6 7366 172 Clark PL Apt 4 Completely furnished 7 bedroom apt Eiclusive Vi blk Poplar bus (Parkview Hotel area) Heat water furnished $90 Couple 3 or 3 girls or 2 men Call Mil 5-7359 WEST MEMPHIS NIC 3 hedroom around nor anarf ment I block to school 15 minute to downtown Memphiv on bus line children welcome $77 and $80 mo AVALON APTS 5 4750 WEST MEMPHIS Nlf bMroom ground floor np rt- mrnt rh morn 10 ncntioi 15 min utei to downtown Memph's on bus line Quiet neighborhvc $75 month 'OR REST PARK APTS -RE 5 4750 VACCT kCiiiDLJie "sss-i mwiii 1 nti Pentg reduced Nice 1 and 2 hedroom apt on bui line completely fur-pnhedl55 per month end up OAK TERRA' APTS RE 5 4141 am ftals 1177 Tutwiler (at MTenn- and water also furiuhed $90 No children Call BR 4 $700 before 4 pm NEAR FORREST PARK even blockg from Air -i beautiful Free Privacy $63 00 10 $7300 iiL e-aja tor appoui'menr I i tma i-sraie 1 rooms ami hat- Uttl Jtitn nq FA 4-0917 104 MADISON rCKR ACS APTS Ifflclenciaa and Be rn Apartment! nua si rree parking Tea 1 ar 749 LAMAR and Welder 1 and i't tnio anu a vai iroom efficienctee $10 PfnFA 73171 fm MADISON 4 girls anu TTioejT pearly furn Util No drinking BR 5-4810 IxTS bellevue 4 iceomi-pvY aj a i i aj nainu pvia is- 9Tva-5ooh' urn-Adui" nvBR4290 furn Adults' 102 2 roomi and be Nicely furnished Near bus MO AdUltl BR 6-067 Sr27 iLSON-2 rmi pv R4 7'54L ent newlv ajF' nr dec op 'je a-ii-v A kai nc lawriaja oaui I iiat Summer vicinity mo mn ii wiring GL 2 1073 S343 1 CHELSE'A-Duplei EveiytRinl IBP ura- TTgrt- pte sra se-'airia1 mo jwluaoi utl wasTier pvt bith Will care for child BR 4 4414 SVALKING distance Searg 1293 Tut wiler 2 rooms Bath Ltit uu BR J4I5JL On bus nice 1-hedroom efficiency private 155 cou-pie only BR 6 5268 FA 3-633S ftAR Lovely 2 room ept kitchen In blue breakfast nook pn vale ent tmn BR5 74 970 CRL'MP BLVD near Peabody large efficiency $10 Util paid Window fan BR 5 0775 TOV'rii 3 rooms beth util and window fan furn $65 month or $17 weekly rm itit ipt 14S Also 2-room apt $40 stiira nam i utlljd Couple 9lTpEAfODYRearT4 rooms uttli- Alo 1 room tt BR J127i- Also 2 room apt sag snare pami uTrOE rleen 3-bdrm ent Com pletejy nriveie 4 or 3 busineig Ulil PR S0777 TW75 lige looms pvt bath entri Windn-v fan III weej t-iii swat LeFlore WH 4-6417 1306 Nice lower 3-room ga- lage gnt pvt winnow an i town Peabody buses bk CvERTON PK 1730 Luxury 23 Air cond Enure 2nd fl duplex $120 Entire zno BON rooms end oam noimes oroaa ureas ggwin 1738 GLFNVIEW Garage apt 3 room hrh Workma counle 1 1486 NETHFRWOOD 3 rooms bus upsti upstairs util furn $55 ERN ned iiv rm como ciicn Lamar tiKa-jaav Newly furnished 2-bedroom knrk Amrbu'rhne "virdX WEST MEMPHIS Conv 10 mrticel center BR 2 SBmZZ IASHINGTON room gpts Hot cold water I rigid- Adulie onlyJA JA 44070 WmttAm MmCJ! i75a-a'tff i-rX a iT negi'" i ntr nr 11 11 jiht 11 nn 3J411 iudj WM-KER No 2-Torner Cog rg--53 bSSTElAilili1 -a f1 Bj07or "KTV 2017 Person iss JmmjtmH ifif1SL roomlO-T cast Summar flSft a4a Mirat $tiw 15000' bldg "nsi" 'i'l X- SSJL ESBl i kitchen 2 bedrooms and bath 220 2661 WHITMAN New -k-t 1 B-B low rem a I of $43 50 Pave Dermon 4 4j Sulw sale district of Jackson Miss for rcponsinie iesee Trie Craft Co UO Ihomas MrmnSia Tenn 1734 LAMAR mufn pnt IP '7 L' inn ah 1 nntn eaitf Co br $350 MO for distributor rehona PrVn' renouse arking 1081 laia staaaaa waj ia7 i nion Stora $65 jrorej jo3 lotrumonl for lease 75x75 ft Summer Ave in Shelby (en- BR 4 5728 J- u- rxeairy VO Jriced from $7S per month Call JSBS JS V' connec- dulex heautifu end modern $59 063606 BROOKWiKiD (near Airport Ut jJA trade school war 5 1794 Reeltorg Main' 44780 nifhte or Sunday WH ''2J- let5H month Close In location to Vacant clean 3 BR brick wired1 --4 Vno vniieMr Trarkasr 1 IViVe out th Third St i 14 vent --hoi Refrigerator end I schools bus line 720 wiring for for stove fenced $80 mo Mrs iTjQR REN1 Louli Miller FA 3 parkway iggimH' 3ff awss Krm? 266 Kd-r nkfSISnl I M' a 4 a wFTCi'Jg DATTEL REALTY fcfOBET FWM IK XmM oer month Near a (I Hill NlCB 2 Bdrm iaa PairlrwAu I rsmtirtn erAun BR 2 9647 NVESTMENTS INC STORE BUILDING necoraien room apt second noor Steam heat water furn Stove and refrigerator If desired $5750 mo McLEAN No An unusu lv 4 rlnm sSBR 'Pce Stove and Ti nK rieai water lurn Si nool and bus line 370 Ins for aircond and washer ronn Water furnished DATTEL REALTY CO Realtors 42 riit a a a wgagja 4-S379 Keg Ot S7llTj Srnd MAvaj VaiU-J saw- juuinuaio voioiii 1307 Lauderdale PC vil for $57 50 per month Stove refrigerator 82S1 L-JSir Air ttonina circuit TuftNocu DAVE DERMO? Mgr 11 307 Lau derdale Not 7 A 4 71 A4 ERMON CO mn 7' 9-3 Immediate Possession 575 EAST No 4 FilMslie two hedroom aliMln nrt mrm will wirw air rnnqi- lion outlet end Install your me- rhn HOBSON KERNS CO iAJ2441 ieui11 3 2S7I (5075 Perk Ave 1 Ml 5 0881 Wtk MLSSS Km Spottswood No Buying! Selling! Trading! solve your rtfpBt fftl tWIi 3-47)4 Quick eephlr roneeientlnu iervlr on any type real eilate transection rm euem unac tna it fmannna evalialB WE WILI Ai (rPT TRApt ON GILL REALTY CO 13lJeffereon Lie Realtor! JA J47tJ LIST WHERE YOUR LISTING IS KING RICHMOND CO Realtorj BR 4 5424 643 SConper "DoYou Really Wish To Sell Your Real Estate LIST IT WITH US-WE GET RFMJLTS CHESS HOWARD Re BR 4 79? Treadwell Harry Realty Realtor BR 3 341 WILL BUILD OR BUY 'FRI ESTIMATES EASY TERMS Will fiuiM on your tot or psy ch for your propirt' BETTER HOMES 250? kcklQfi GL I 2674 BUY-QUICK CASH NO WAITING! A Murdock GL 2-2111 HENLEY He CO GoKlwvn llist ia MM HAVE OIIALII II CLIENTS FOR EAST MEMPHIS HOMFS 3 nr 4 bedroom buck plus den 1 1 A ri re r-r SADLER ft CO IBPH711 Realtors Madison cash for your hoM Get Y-Hir Monev Oulcl We Buy Land-Build-Trade () Beeson Co Realtor Bildor Be Till 3158 Union MU 3 187J For Oulrk Sales List With A A flL I Br05 Realtorj Br3uJ 11" INION BUY YOUR EOUITY CASIl IN HOI'llS OR Wl WILL SELL FOR YOU SMIIIIHSeiB amin IUAL1 1 Resimr 3743 Umer GLI JIM EAStERN "SPECIALIST! we specialize In sale of home le SfflHlK M1 FA 4 4423 Member Ml 1 WE BUY end SELL-PAY CASH FOR old homes lots or enulty JA54127 I Chas Spencer Realtor Title WILL buy small equity in home or duplex WAYNE CONIFE Ret'tjr CO SS Cleveland BR 4 Mil Real ttato Eichanqo 151 343 COLLINS Sell trade or will let someone move in handy with tooli to fix up down payment JACK GRAVES FA 3 0435 BOB CRA1N RFALTY CO BHHi 7941 Austin peey llwy I WILL trad equity In i bedroom I hrick for late model car truck Jeeo or boat must he clear of debt 399 Southwell PR 3051 a aaavaa i Mia Commorclal Property 1S2 For Sato CCOU CT4TlfIM I AAA i a i 1 1 'i Fairgrounds Many teui VHP 3375 Froptrty For Solo 22 Brand New Brick Apts MS HAYNI 2 Bedrooms Bedrooms lnrnme iiuu per mourn rsornini rurnisneo ini all" imu rnce tiaonon a aco nno fuwiwa aa iniuiim ajuwy uowi nal $509 00 per month oui ui nrivcniir a -laia iiiggins realty co br 5 2127 Rlnr 21 So Paulino BRICK $6500 CASH-WIIL BF FINISHED This Week-Corner I Block POPIAR-277 274 LEATH ST NEW NEGRO DUPLEX See 776 738 Jr-k A Bennett MU 3-7762 GRAN I HAM REAI TY CO 7 8506 Realtor 3534 Park DUPLT6p-ij5CATT0N 1602 04 DALLAS Lot ilia 83x138 driveway on side One to side Larae fronl porch Aireauw unancen van JOHN ItlTPFR GL S-7477 35S9 Park FA 4-2114 4247 FAYETTE 5 home with 7 unlfg Newly decorated and rented Good Income FA 3 2213 Ie tlalaalla ska I -a AuhrflvUlAn i "0T 'UMIviilons ti ii I 'A ArfB HomeSlta Ur-Atcr- i cVatiau a CHOICE LOCATION On Normandy Road east of McElror Road i Mock to Kicntand scnnoi a nd Bus 579JOOO Terms RS WARRFN RIEGLE GL I 3284 MR iKAUr Boyle TNVESIMl NT i nMPANY FEAIIOKS 47 st-t omd A eeai I Of llfiVTCO iy won i Trart $1 000 equity ft 2 BR Tntiil l4 Kl is tl7S rnp for large ot outside of city GL 8 3644 day WH 8 5963 night 90 ACRFS renter of Cermantown S'an- BR dndre Realtor 1950 Madison BR 2-2511 SalrS '9 In Rollini 0t fubdx fn' n'r0'aJ R(f- ir al" alC: ai no men iiaas mu i-awj airi uia Suburban Acreage 157 10 ACRES 1C It TI 14 lo" a bedroom clapboard nome witn natn on 10 eve tree studded acres Good well electric pump fine garden Land has been in clover her muda and lespedeta for 10 yri Owner will carry notes of $53 per mo with a reasonable down payment Possession July 15th Can show any lime Reltnr coopera tion invited IUDDV I nll'11 (Ownerl BR 3 2546 CL 8 3381 Fomnherry 1308 Union Realtor 230 ACRES 25 Acre Lake 1 in mailer tract Good trm HUDSON REALTY CO J0 Cleveland BR 2 9647 Woaf Momphli SLASHED M08 CHESTER LN Price cut of Si 000 yours for ont $735 down sod move In 3 beda ttarhfrl rurnort In hJithsj Call Hfrh ohr at PR 6 44W of FX 7b67 Tf0k Homti for Sal1 144-R Roleiqh-Bartlett Soctlon LAKE WINDEMERE 3251 Latewood Drive) Stunninq Contemporary Sltuted on a heautlful 1-acre lot fg this apacjou home One of the moat sought efter and fastest growin sec (ions Consists of 3 bedrooms i baths and 20 x22' den with fireplace Call now to sea at your convenience JAMES DAILFY MU 2 3063 WE TRADE Boyle tNVFSrMENT COMPANY REALTORS 43 SECOND IAA A811 Continued on Following Page) Hemes for 144-R Ralolqh-Rartlett Soctlon Johns-Manville Urfir Won tn Sea 7-Snr lliimr In Beautiful Broadmoor Park Hem niRMSHFT) Morlrl 3397 NORTHMOOR s-Brrlroniti Brirk Ifi Dn $14375 Only FHA Tl'Ts tin plita rloAint Kitchen ha eallng area with broken tile floor plen tv largn rloeta rerajnlc 111a tintha Inantateil ceallng ami allien alia aluminum fftsas eNMUf YES WE TRADE Ralelah Out Amtln Peay Hlahwy 'i mile beyond Rank on left See our sign na eij Mae Weeka Boh rain Gl 2-3J4J Walker Hall Bildor 1445 McMILLAN NO Off Park way I block Lauderdale 5 room bun I hl and walri furn 417 10 monm 73 PORTER NO Newly dee 3- ant near Crump Blvd 1 1 50 wit PTON-Cnrner Fourth 1 Wnlkcr 5-room apt over tore miii natn not water ys na 548 Corner LaudenUle llmndnew hnrlr mil 1 rrtnirtt hslli Washer conn 22b wirina clothe! 555 WALKER NO Corner Lauder dale Excellent location 3 rooms hath Water furn Ill 50 wk 443 WASHINGTON NO I lose Close to town Adults ooly 3 rooms bath with shower 230 wirina 111 wk 1 Marks Realty Co JA 5-1794 Realtors 62 Main HOWELL Apt room apt Newly painted $11 per week V) hetween Chelsea and Jack off Sinrinsdaie Water furn 1 room and natn riun 2 5 twtoa month Water furn Two blocks sout nL II ui pit ci- r-I i and bath apt $11 per week water furnished DATTEL REALTY CO JA4B379 42 Second GL 17111 NEW 2 BEDROOMS McLemore-Neptune 1170 1182 NEPTUNE New one and two bedroom apis all large tooms t'ltr modern dengn Plenty of closets $50 00 and $55 00 per month Water furn Ready to rent to any one Apti behind National Food StOr aalal DATTEL REALTY CO JA 4 8379 Office Reg GL 1-7111 SPRINGDALE-JACKSON Week Free Rent 2348 HOWELL APT Newlv painted 3 rooms and hath apt $11 00 per week Water furn way he tween Jackson end Chelsea off Sprmgdale DATTEL REALTY CO 1379 42 Second CL 7181 903 BAR TON "3 roomi 'IIUI $34 00 23 50 280 Gayoso 2 rooms 91 Olive 2 roomi 3400 147 Crump Blvd 3 rooms 76 00 714 Marble 3 roomi 33 00 63 Looney 3 looms 38 00 675 Hastings 4 rooms 31 00 142 Rirkford 4 roomi 44 BOSHWIT BROS INC INV- 201 Dermon Bldg JA 6-3878 2 Aai aa LI jr tupeio npr i 1 block east of Hollywood north of! Jackson 4 rooms and run bathi itove remgerator snaoei ann vard maintenance film Margolin Bros Kealty L-o 1028 Hollywood Reejtnre FA 7jt61 Kurson And Casta a Dermon Bldg Realtors JA 7 929I fli 3 R0()MS ANU pAI 671 Jessamine -r MR Plumbing elec nenr schools will redec redec Hobson-Kerns Co JA 5 244I ORANGE MOUND I Attractive 3-roorn gnt refrigerator aiove weier turmaneq Realtors 1119 Monroe 1437 WASHINGTON B'fn "pV-onufnA 1 ItSBSf i bh tV50a jr" Com IHIGGINS REALTY CO BR 3 3127 Realtors 71 Pauline rrr 71 7 660 Sixth Apt 5 4 rooms and hath Wired for glr conditioner 5J mo DONLEE REALTY CO TA S-7336 MM BldgMUJ-IJ14 1362 WABASH aj-ijnn Ulh hrlck Inuin i duplex $11 wk or $45 rno di 'Mi lie USSST a urn iAi ZiliYSk ---Vi- 111 HKIHU large rooms newly decorated $45 JACK GRAVES FA 3 0435 i KT ilijsi inaBuniiiaiw(ji sno OLtVl No 3-Blh aai $10 tin 1315 wk J74 PAI MFR S4SS 1385 cmw i a i 7 tto fvj it fTSTO1 ElffUrtaBh D1N- ioi' si i7t1'a'il c-iii Sr 1A 5-4491 7J4J lAHLf-new nupiex a rooms a kitchen full bath automatic hot water A outlet $55 lohn 1 Baaiey Co Realtor! $1 Madison 11 7 CO i-jjiw NICE 3-ROOM DUPLEX Newlv decorated Memphii 1140 Bammel Hot water gas neat full bath $10 wk JA 6-0311 2274 SHASTA In Hollywood neer Sprlngdale Frtra room narn orica nuniea Hdw floors A 6-9348 BR 6 6457 514 14 HAMMOND COt New du nlex 3 rtHtms end hath each side ilde John Automatic hot water $45 each Johni Bailey Co Realtors 91 Madison I JA 7 5578 FREE 2 WEEKS' RENT Reduced to $45 mo New duplex 2095 HUNTER Water free JA 1 1 Rar nfTTguder dale near Linden 3 large rooms water furnished $30 month JA 4 8235 Louli Fngelman 158 Apt 3 A 5 1 bed room II DLUGACH CO REALTORS I- nil a nidi JA 375 New 3 room apM wash conn A wiring blinds In nilated $43 upper $43 lower FA 3 34111 or apply 754 iiarvaro A art AOAA AAAO ciarksdale newly decorated du H' onern convenience 1 8 9152 570 OIIVF nemitlfu newlv dec ornted 3 full tile bath nice yard porch neighbors 11 50 wk WH 7 4580 Ml I 19907 1481 ASII -Modern 3 room brick du plex Across from Dougls School $11 35 1 141 per week FA 7 3541 ML era Anvi AinF--J rm IA hth $33 50 mo WILEDNIK REALTY TA 3 0169 613 lllckmn Bldg "2171 CURRY Modern 3 roomi full bath 810 ner week Gl 7 3195-BR 6 7007 WEEK'S MNf 3 room and bath Memphis T7-31 Lucca Ant nd Ill $12 wk MU 2 1357 1 THREE ROOMS half bath Mem rhls See agent 937 Second MU 3 7767 vi osiDVKF 1141 Granl-Rrlrk du 1 p(r 7 rooms complete bath newly decorated FA 4 9587 Movinq-Sfor (eomive) BFST DFAI IN TOWN CROSSTOWN BR 4-4550 BR 4-4551 Local and Long Distance SHELTON Lowest Flat Rales in City GL2-9507 GL 2-5474 normal Transfer" SUNDAYS BR 6-3557 BD 7I4C tjK O-J 1 1 LOW RATE LOCAL LONC) DISTANCE STORAGE SIORACE A VAN CO a 7 2597 JAJ: 18? RED LINE STORAGE JA 6 3144 JA fS-MS OCA "TJ 1 i I Wanted to -114 Builnett Property want to lease" buiidim for-die- count nore vuxeo It nr bigger count store 70x60 ft or Ample parking reasonable rem writ to BOX 3443 Memphis Kagors Prop tor Sol PICKWICK LAKESIDE COTTAGE un dui nanon rrninsut in NW AI tin "i ninna -ar niuen raav eicesa good beach den chinnel superb view Bct hunting fishing) water sonrti Electric marlnewav peimancut onMrni Hon 2 baths sleeps 14 Ideal recreation center for 1 or 2 families nr small corn Com Jlciely furnished and eqiiipnedi 77 950 For complete brochure I rite or calf owner John Mitch- sleeps 14 Ideal recreation center for ell Box 118 Florence Ala AT or A I 7JaJ A 1 1' I AN You can on a Inlrmn enllfl1 for as little as $20 down arowm Zv xuri Tn m'n "ap V-ora 907 Monroe Memntii A Taa SNOW LAKE LOT NO 347 Beautiful wat ft ropt lit gent'v aton Utilltlea to lot Ideal to? hAi- naina niaaf mina ma a I MH BH aula Kamse "rims JeV" lr" riy John Johnjon 1 A i 4111 lok Tla a if a 7id FA 4 43U or lohn iT cm -JLCCn- Out-afToaam Rwal Patat SOMFRVII I TtTMM I Ram i1rAZAAAIThi -a- JA 3-3431 Bxch Modem Apartments Nr cmr onlyWso shopping center and Realtoi JA 5-3431 Fsch nsirv in I'iaT wsa HimffSri Snv ilr lanln 77 an taii SO P4RKWAY SO LAIDI KnAIF 1ST? Ilumher Two hedrnnm duple Tc! per mo Waiher ronn 370 foi 544 Ma colm New two hlroom duplej 230 wlrina A wmher conn Pat Mrmp inn nmr 1 Vi it) inn Mallorv-3 rooms and hathl duplea 145 per mo near Florida 1531 Standrldae bedroom duplet S5 50 per mo 330 for A washer ronn 3 hlocke east of Hollywood near Chelsea DATTEL REALTY CO 1A 4 1379 42 Second 01 1 7181 in Near MAiiory Klough rord 2 RKDPOOMS 3214 $6250 3 RKDROOMS 062 $77 Stove refrlaerator shades urd miiniename rum see Mrs Hastow 3202 llaidio GL 7 1575 Behind East High 3 RKDROOMS 77 $8950 Kttio fan Venetian blinds furn Mamolin Bros Realtv Col HE-JL'my near Joseph PL Mod ern 2 hedrwm hri' '( duplex Tile bath with shower Waiher conn $60 kent 2 hedroom duplex Washer ronn 220 wiring Stove refriger ator blinds $70 mn Vacant July I 1471 off Chelsea at Buck Newly 3 rm'h'r'ck eye New i olex Washer coon $47 50 mo Marks Realty Co k4 IviVHriJ lOUI Main I ijt5 JALaKil JACKSON 1 Bedroom living room dinette Hove and refrigerator $65 1 158 LEXINGTON 2 Bedrooms living room dinette wired for air conditioner $67 2634 UNION Two hedroom Ilvlnf room dinette Mh' friaeratnr S7t 000 UINIUIN One bedroom living room dinette 'KBltWi wmAimamm nn aan iss A i Kt-K A I ijjui Mum IAMBI 0117181 BRAND NEW JACKSON AVE AT HOLLYWOOD SECTION igh-r two bedroom bHck du- wired lor 730 air condllinne washlng machine outlets $59 50 Phone rA 3 4121 160 McLEAN Upper duplex full glassed In front pore Iivin ich with ceiling fan attic large ceiling Tan ann aining rooms 3 bed rooms I bath kitchen utilliv room and garage (41 220 outlets electric iinee and rerngerator will dero- iir neni vu an inos Mans EA 3-0008 for appointment Parish RMlty Co 3387 Poplar 3318 2 bedroomi stove and Cf i taa ann Aalk! July 1st IH A 117 panvp stove and refrigerator $80 East ov end refni're' Mi oh a ra jnpyotas na Realtoi 3742 Lamar GL 8 3334 I le irl lkls-Xk i LL JWM NVaJIN mi Rrna mt una Kl-NT i-D Fn 7nPk4 u7 wiTlJ -t i-nni ii' nmuii ii run nrw ha nU il" "rV-'a JtW WW Rd'! FAT5759TAr8639a'nUt rn' HIM i- "aTcsTr 1 bedrm JtimieV Lyarm' Convenient to Fed- eral Compress and American Fin- isnmg i ner month VAN COURT HP Nta I icrucv Commerce Title Bldg JA 5 4491 771 PEARCE M'fSndrauKJ ln iulnnicsol" Co JA 3-2441 3023 WAYNOKA Two bdrms stove end refrigerator furn I arse rlosets lA? 50 mn uill redecorate Tenants choose colon Key In mail box BR 4 7780 inn a1 a i a IBT IN AKr WA Luxury apt 6 large rooms hith Wfta messing room 230 wiring hy ID0nmm onlj'' 3083 PRINCETON Blnghamoton off Broad and Van-Hn i i i brtckJA 67368BR 6-6652 231 HOLLYWOOD Convenient location 3 rooms hath atnve refrigerator furn wired 220 jvasher conn $55 BR 2-1552 Luxurious Apartment a Kedrooma taewtv aamaian -t jam fa ii'ti 'lahi kit 3-hdrm basement 2 fi replace! fenced Iluse atorei Navy $100 mo hr a U77 fwt) RFpROOsTmiPCIx One blk of So Bellevue near boo- RXa Bh ff Dempster Avail -Inly 1st $63 mo hut Jtv "auece Koneni tx z-SMJ 11 I i a- a na 3557 VERNON 7 bedroomi 7 year old hrick v-bllndi hardwood floors fenced back yrd Jreadvrll School FA 7-8273 2302 iONGM'RFET Parkway- Lamnr Desirable Uhdrm brick Stove refrigerator $6250 JA 7-3371 JVtU3-3143 3453 ROSAMOND One-bedroom duplex Ave now $30 -Cffl-S-l A 'Co JAFaWaj 593 BURLINGTON CTR (Fryir) 1 norm ner 111 $55 974 IIOMER Treadwell School $45J-bdrmBRJ0693JBR 2 2369 770 Everqreen Open 1 BR bath water furnished BR 36909 RR 4 6910 BR 2-1757 1624 GOODRAR Lower 2 or 3 bdrm apt wired for air cond J-A 4 9433 Ml 3-8796 756 LEWIS sTrnear Jackson 2- ern I bedroom brick duplex fenced yrn wiij j454 BR 4 B194 901 POPE SI' near Coleman 5 rooms 3 bdrm $65 Available July lt GL 2 5871 117 WIIIETT 5 room! hth heat wler tove net auav vv Herclalr aer Jul off Summer Ave 7 bdrm brick $65 FA 4 0491 MU 3-6481 DUTLSX MadTion Uptalri $57 50 Downstairs $62 50 3 bedroom Smith Realtor FA 1 PTNT reduced to $45 101 9 Ayeri 867 $45 MOD I 3 KM BRICK D'P' FX Ot 2 6274 FA 3-4288 134 JACKSON-J bdrma Uff) Avail July 1st Open for Inspection Apply othejr side S41I VOLLENTINE Modern I hedroom brick duplex Gotd location 550 pR 5-3327 TOP Just decorated 3 or 3 hdtms Heat and waler turn 47694 iiliPlEX-3' rini ind bath 975 Crockett on Crontown bui Vnllin tine section $41 JA 5-6965 House! for Farn 124 NICE AREA2hdrm' brick Air cond Garage Mrs Wallace Jl5 Hawthorne BR 5-0877 TWO-BDRM den cgrp fir cond auto wesher cerport storage 14 Mi-ik 5-0033 F944 FOSTER Purnlshed7rriom FA 7 1 hoiiie In everything furnlihed BR S4229 I 'I ui tru One bedroom stove refneerator and iTflTl RR 5 3211-1063 km-BR 3 9891 1 hiinda if deaired 550 month NICE area 2 bedroom brick garage JliliLLJri BR S9WM innic uu mrTnu i ac wtrmg Mn a Waiiaci i-l -WWIe TTITI aai an decor Reauttfu settioa of trees and iBK a I'aL Stove lefngeraior blind ind wa JAJ1794 Reajtorg 42 Main! MEDICAL CENTER Three and 4 room gpartmenti Large rooms beautiful getting 57i WAI nR AM 4 4 -r i eiwi-nei- Around corner from Toplar Poplar ne Stove refrigeritor blinds bui line and water furn Central heat off- etreei petking wired lor A-t fskv srnDit tae so rre mo TWO BDRM $79 50 PER MO DATTEL REALTY CO Serond Res GL 8 7181 BELZ PARK APARTMENTS AIR CONDI riONFO EXTRA NICE ON ISO Bath kitchen living room stove rerriseratoi Venetian blindl and water furnished anrjri nuwii 1 block soiiib of Southern i oioca sniiTo or -wuinani near stores end bui line Res Mgr 2790 spoirswooo api i rnone a wyj Newly decorated P- -I Plk TA i r'K i Ron JA 5 343lEchBldg Nica 2-Bdrm ONLY $50 Dih t-la-k-- nsii (7BIUI Kiinrn iwrn ihitw i ettian blinds and Wlf mm may: APT 1 Mi I AYNFS A APT 3 One block wutil of aNnufhfin ftr wrz- rig si aoat WStSUO' 'n i i- 'DI- Consolidated Kealty Co Bid aaa RIMfflJ9JS4 Lfif 9'hiii iviiLftrn ni pvi i un mi i Go east on Poplar to Chickasaw Gardens lurn led 2 block! on Till-i Eegltore JA5J43J ExchBld lirrr k4CL4DIIC tvicivirntj Very nice 3 bedroom ground floor TOW-PW iaa- ni in xiuin nartminf r- 4 mm ebMran bilf block to ichooi Hove and re frlgerator furnlih-d 15 mmutei to Memphii on bus line --z--f-rrr--ri lib IN MUNIbUMbKY Lovely 3-bedrm apt com- pletely redecorated 220 wiring Extra larqe WAYSE CONLEE rItV CO rA 3-2873 io9 MntOM aU-l1-' ua waAWWaPW any innjuFf and small sleeping porch Stove and refrlaerator $69 on A MONTGOMERY REALTY CO A I TV (T TA 3 0771 Realtor Pone B- ar1- WtSl MrMrH Very nce 2-bedroom ground floor apartment nice yard for children cloie to ichooi: itove refrigerator iuinianrii ia minuies lo nowninwn mrmpnia on DUS line 7V 7U monm AVALON APTS PF 54750 UUIaa1 I I I I I7LJ IVI IV CI ta Hn ann rfrlrtn7- nd Jin block from bui line $60 month Only rom WMow" WEST VIEW APTS RP 5-483 TTn Spacloui ground floor pant Iiv rm din rm ww carpets large automatic a sh kitchen with 0 inse rcfrleratnr 4 air cond cflBaTsraaner '4v port HK4A4V1 WIRED FOR ATRONDITIONINO 1435 LaPaloma No 2 ejva gpt refrlgerg oeparaie sne itoiage Mda JOHN LARKIN CO Realtors 1119 Monro eiT 1405 LaPaloma CL No 4 UoUSUally attractlv one hertronm gpt wired for air conditioning available Julv 1st JOHN LARKIN CO Realtors 1119 Monroe BR 34174 MIMOSA GARDENS J-Mrm apts Located at Poplar ai Highand Sea Highland No DERMON CO sea Kes Agt lea 4 FA 7 7979 DAV Agts JA 6-7366 540 McLFMOPE 4 Igrge roomi hot and cold water fni-nlalin tSn month ACK GRAVES FA 3 0435 75545 OH I KAIN KtAII CO yaj Allan t-eay 240 WALDRAN Newly decorated 3 bedrooms heat WMl-7WttVlRt CONAWAY REALTY CO ti" rooms and bath each stove and $32r monhrmhM' 83 FORTINBERRY'S 308 Union RR 3 35441 aea ANDIS ll houses off Cnlrl nr-a aassi Lvn aa yi niaaai i a iian room nearoom xncnen no ntmngin 11' 1 area Water itove end elec re frlertor furnished $50 JA 7 4301 or BR 5 4897 fVO upper 4-room got eperte entrgnce bgek and front At but nd shopping center BR 2-1735 318rF01sifi'ST--l rm Tor glr-cond $53 mo Stove refrigerator JA 3-7847 s'ftSt St' 1 rm'" bth' uUl Anta for Ront- 121 MEMPHIS STATE New I And 2-Bdrm Deluxe Apartments Acroi frnm Memphl Stte featuring new itove refrlergtnri garbage disposal wsher and dryer chine Vbllndi wlrea for AT Extra large room One bedroom $7330 oer mo Two bedroom $8330 per me Dattel Realty Co 42 Second Of JA 4 8379 Re til $7181 a a 4 mn tn Ua Va-r 1HI3 Wainoka Ant 1 wamona Ape i Consolidated Realty Co i 1 4 1411 BI4 I 20 i JOHN GOODWIN JOHN GOODWIN Reelty Co FA 7 5636 62 rreicott IDEAL FOR WOMEN 1532 Mcl emore-3 big rooms pvt lion very clean Refngereior stove turn aeo mo wti ygi $40 mo WH 8 19 EX 7-7652 POPLAR PLAZA PLAR 7 BFDRTiOM APARTMENT Electric stove refrigerator dispoial Near big shopping center and bui Available July I JA 6-7921 BR 2 9934 Mise Smith Ann i a tn? at a ie pvt front back entrancei liaht water furn Can furnish refrlaer tor and range ideal for 2-1 emp i ra mi imrM s-y'iLr PHONE UL 3 2338 UL 3 2772 'paK'''51 ntjJttffjLm Peabody 1 bdrm 153 50 689 ADAMS New unfurn 1-bdrm gpts Convenient to Medical Center' Airconditioncd iv jg uave oermon Co A 6-736 TWO-BEDROOM Apt Heat rnishr water stove refrigerator furnished Near stove refrigerator bus schools and a shopping 795 Miary BR 4 0554 Nrm a a nortrvc 90 McIemnre-3 rooms hath n5inWr EOS wTl rr? rieiy rrmoaeten spacious 4 rooms 11m nana anouy knotty pine kitchen Adults $65 RR 47714 1899 POPiAR-Unfurn 1-bdr gpts acrnis from Parkview Hotel See 5045 Dave Dermon Co JA a a nrrn a aa a si rar-ruiivr-rwiy rc prated 4 large rooms bath upper neai garage not ann loia waier 11fWIiY rTffrf F- eat Catf RR 5 1187 fmm 8 30 to -m BI-IIFVUF-Furn A unfurn i em aj I hedr apts Low rental Across from flel evue Roiist Church Dave Dermon Co JA 67364 1531 POPLAR Ant l-hdrm apt! furn Wired for A All utlll VaiMH Dave Dermon Co JA 7 4 7366 MIDDLE eed or elderlv couPie living room hath bedroom ki stove re aerator furnished 2435 Forrest BR 5J749 3 4 MONTGOMERY: 3 rooms I -Bedroom Apartments ft living room 13' ft bed room hid closets Stove refrtgera tor ahadea and wgter furnished Shower over tub Half -a'i-aBW- a bus near BITiS nui near Overton Hark Res Mgr 2036 Jefferson Apt 1 Phone Ir s5ij iood location Consolidated Realty Co Reeltor JA 3-3431 Ex'ch Bldg nr s1-1- I 1 iiiiti I a-i a Wlin S-WIMMIINlo KUUL Furnished and unfurnished 1 and 3 hedroom ants Convementiv located Neer ghoppinf center and bus line Stove refrigerator and Venetian blindl furnished Washer end dry iaciimea avauanie Jemison Sons Parkway F- Realtor! BR 3 336 -t Z1 iworrwm ept newly decorated ompr raiavu ano i ainam Near chool and bus line Stove re ar fn fngerator and washer eonn wtter furnished month Jemison Sons R-tnr I pjirk4V mm 11' Rf- fl FfiP A 1 0 ri i vniTiowi WONO f- Fl i iiv iTt-n BETWEEN CFNTRA1-' and I MON srTwrpy r-evro CVC- Ka Suxua 'v kTS NO 5 SDJ rvnin Very attractive 2 bedroom ant un- Uliai Cioaeia ha full grounds JOHN abitim Realtorg 1119 Monroe RR 3-8174 Reiltor 1119 Monroe RR S4I74I ymm 1 shalimar apts 'Pfvla iiiiiu-c Living room bedroom kitchen withi dining areg tile bath (tub ai Duploiog for 1 22 4S6 Steee Ave 2- bdrm none $80 Near bui nmu ivauu i 7Ji74 ci LZJ i -w ui 19A LtNiKAL Hedec 4 roomi wired 220 heat water fu urn Yard HH garage UK 6 396V 2394 l-hdrm brick RM lurnnhed 220 wmng $65 GL 2 0484 isn cameron-j tmi newly dec bMm a moore fa39im Eastwood "pl 3 rooma SS fA a i i rl 'Wn-tlKlsanH BL Jl wauace ii IMIHOrn UK i-'W 1465 Corner McNeil Newly dec Entrance and yard private 3 rms and hath $65 FA 7-8415 FNTRAI I inn i ealit aaa -fclWritll wAK nospitel bus 2 roomi bath -arage j5250 HR 6-9049 lli yrAaSAr3(mmiini btth' 3529 BARWOOD Air conditioned J-room nriCK tile ham Gl 8 3764 1077 irrt-tBtyiw 1 'Hf I i looms bath water $42 50 BR 5 9651 lilUOi A IK KM1A --Ilrica dun at a 2 Bedroomi pvt Adults BR 4 $479 nan iiii-mmi aa k7 Jo3FA 3-1557 tiL 7 4429J hB oeoroom private i hk o-ivn PJtta S5 "t-u-'n-ui In VI ivt-ni 7 3 bdrm bath LR iJenBRds'aas 57-50' "A W6B naagaM 5007 TWO BEDROOM brick 1365 Guascn newiy decoiated Near So Bellevuei prive ln Movie $73 mo FA7-S416 CLEAN 2 BR modem brick 858 DuNLAP 5 cliisels fenced yard schools Reasonable I-A 4-0871 DUPLEX $63-LONGVIEW HGlllS I Bedroomi 5 Rooms file Bath 14 Woodland Ave $45 BR 5 2567 TWO-BEDROOM DUPLEX $55 9le Bath Shower School Store 45 Chelsea $55 monthJR 57567 VOLLENT1NE SEC 1754 Edward-7 or 3-hdrm brick newly dec 220 cnnn chool $85 BR 6-2995 BRICK duplex 1 bdrm living room kitchenette and tile bath $55 2602 McAdooJFA 7272iBR4-48q7 3554 MAYFAiR 3 large front side entrance Big back yard JV1U 3-7724 THRF'E Dinette LK kit blinds Stove Bute Newly dec 443N Hollywood JA6J352 fan JACKSON Modern 2-bedroom duplex $70 mo Garage Louli Fogjslman JA 6-8333 3364 MONROI-3-room bath brick 35250 JA 5 8363 Gl 8-1313 1993 HARBKRT- morns ew ov: water nirnisncd Wrl f-1177 --Mtllls fc'' 'mrSAF-lAW'' AYrTTF -n liiS duplex 1814 l'ORRKST-7 la rms SM bths Ideal for la famlTv RRA1990 ly BR 117417 FlmilNlu ncor4 lh4 Newl 4 4607 yiar wviuw llll ia a a 1 1 I I I 11 SUMM1TT 3-rm hth gpt pvt WO 71U-J nu K4 625J 674 DH 3 rmi" bath atov Fngldire 2 buses MU 3-3318 LyxiTRY bdrmi 2 bath $175 mo BR 6-4015 THREE RMS pvt hth and entr Adults $45 mo FA 4-3674 TN A ii A 3 large rmi natn urn wu 1-9382 1375 Tutwiler" 4 room lower $50 BR 2 1777 FA 34644 T735 4room duplex $60" FA 3-35MS or FA4-9340 975KNEY For couple near bui Crnstown Chelsea JA $-1954 I486 5 large roomii $50 Wt6-U76JieforepnL 1000' DUNIAP-4 "rms Conv lo rated 149 50 RR 1-11 44 3324 5 lige rms 730 wired ronn Adults pvt hath GL 2-0903 IP PER DUPLEX 4" rooms and Jjath Iltilitiea BR 5 1913 Gl 7 5151 1129 duplex I bedroom RR 6 4071 MObERTT-brTck rjHK See 173 Crump Ave BR 6-4331 1597'99AIRWAY-NlceT7oomi on each ude HR 27307 3414 BOWEN-3 roomi end hth 1 nnvanlent location MU 5-6703 17799 iONGSTREEf DR-BricO 1 bdrm 270 wiring $60 mo FA 344701 I 1 1 1 I TroomLiM Apt fSBi WrTM Lawion MU 4-1158 or BR 5 7574 iHREt-BORM hrlrla en-k BOH bathe carport 4789 Verne Rd $100 mo 1 blork ichooi iop ping center 5 24S2 WH 8 vivo Flier 3-bedroom rV'nll0n w''b' rrv $110 Wm OUT 4252 hr -1 araa In Ir rmuli doner firn -BWieTIii jru -neoroon tenceo yarn a5 iieien l-mmons WA 4-3414 CIS-S014 1846 PORTLAND 8 rm home large enough for 2 families with 2 kitch ens $75 JA 7-8375 BR 6 5754 15439 3-bdrm brick washer connections wired for air condition r- SI750 EA 4-0491 MU 3-6481 raw A 111 mrmr nil 1 1 rs oin U7 TA DR- SB WALNUT GROVFS hrirm i Kath I den brick garage Mrs Wel- no inei rrt ncnrr 1 arra a nenronm nrica Crppr central ercond Mn -S-Wallace J1R 5 0877 aavi iMBmasi e- i i I I OJT nURrUHRl nrr rlllWUlSl nnni 3 roomsj 136 mo Annlv -HI dfi 400 BURROW 3 hedroom brick MM Vrd carport $80 month rn 1 5 noon Ft 7 4533 rid 1836 7 Ven hllndi waiher ronn fenced yard WH 8 4789 hed rms garage 2578 3-hdrm hrick fire place lovely all conv $100 FA 4 rAbai-tr 'n 771 Cn rn tT Cresnn Cri BR 6 1864 or come to74lscox ror key 3873 OIARLFSTON RD bdrm brick $75 Shown hv appointment nnlv MU 4-1597 TWO-RFDROOM home In Frayser Attic fan Newly dec $45 mn BR a-a--UA TZ 2849 house carport fenced verd Conv Lamar line $75 FA 4 761! LARGE 3-bd 2-stnrv 4 acres on lliahland Ave Vacaot $25000 mo Duff Galther Realtors BR 41701 1519 Cherokee Sub 3 bdrm near school Large shady lot $75 FA 7-3348 3948 3 hdrrri! brick Redecorated $83 FA 3 7759 1791 4 rms hth creened porch $45 BR 4-1424 FIVE roomi and bath $30 mo 1740 Ontario EL 7 9025 7141 CPU THRFF bedroom dbl mo 88VJreston t- 6 Near Lamar bus school 1 atnre SOT church stores MU 3 3875 efter 6 Vwd2looms gnd I 5-974 I'A 43501 4110 2 bdrm near school! 0 I-AI-75V 2354 HOI 3 rmi bath $45 Near Army Depot RR 4 3 I ay THREE BDRM near Kingsbury I tVZl mi nia nir estii' WSSS npRM Kingshun i BB iiua I'm aaa-r THREE III DIIOOM and baths Call MU 5 9822 den lioiAN-wiiitcnaven 5 rooma ncreararmland wti-u54 1300 BELLEVUE $5750 118? ClieL sea $63 50 Will decnrte JA 6-633 788 5 rms grge bus tores BR 5-1777 Nosjto Frap far Roat 1195 At Cheliea bui 3-rm brick duplex hot water ff heat $11 wk FA 4-4930 NO MPHS 940 ALASKA- 1-room hrick duplex Kitchen eabl neis gi A 6-1450 1764 HIINTl'R-Bnck 3 larga rms and bat Near bus Water Furn $1050 wk A 6-5945 BR 6-9720 859 KSHVAI-2 rooms Lliht and airy $75 mn JA 5 5773 ind bath JA 5 7474 1510 GABAY 3-room house with bath and gas $34 BR 5 332 3011 Apt 1 Newlv dero rated thtee rooms bath Modem $1150 week BR 4-2502 7 ROOM DUPLEX $25 montn" 578 Lion Ct owner WH 8 01 FA 3-6570 5 ROOM APY $45 mo 1186 Greenwood Mtlba Dev BR 4-9532 I A 7 70X 924 COAHOMA 2 room house with hlh nd ga $10 BR 5 3337 Til REE roomi NT hath wter ruin ailSU WK IM MOSOV A S-73H JA 7 9017 SUBURBAN-5 rms hth Hot nd told water Hdw floors nturl gs rail hth Hot nd $50 Mil 3 1 369 298 WA1KER-2 bedrm Garage apt Clai Itove furn BR 5 2834 V' IEMOK at Tin id' "5 rmi upper 510 IA 5-6730 BR 4 0304 258 AUC'HON-3 rooms Vi blh'jA 6-4831 between and 12 534 MANASSAS Three "rooms 533 50 11R7 3I69 REAR 97 CRUMP-7 rooms Inside plumbing 58 Ailulis BR 5-0775 W'POLKrupstiiirs apt No cM dren $50 JA 6 4871 2J6 lltLSiA- llnuse tor rent at week Water paid 'A 7 42W 951 FORD Three-room dupl hot water $873 week GL 8 0783 ex 1339 GREENWOOD -Duplex 1 A 3 hilrms Pvt ent bui FX 7-3398 NISI IE room Cnli'd welcome JA 6-3914 413 Sieeplni roomi uieof kitchen Utilities furnlihed fTr STO NF rncmt fenced yrd 540 JA4-2J7J hlh Newlj decorated clean Vene'" I 1 eoKu onrrete block building nun wt iniiilated cold i i' LIS lrni We'ecrKdmoTonr lTi'm I on Midland Street Will consider niiTi aa IIH'Ueri rrane tor ilia fv rnn nonrtv rtv Con tact Jackson 305 Washlnaton Memphii Tenn JA 4-1141 Plantation RM BRICK home hntlr on laod Totelprlce $17 500 All mod ern convenleni-es Schoo churches tood community 70 miles at blacktop More land If desired A RM Hour ftg mmmm community miles on hlack top Standndga Realtor MR 4 40IL McNAJRY COUNTY ON GRAVrUT 60 A hill farm 40 open halgnen in pine 4 rm house brn $4500 $1500 down Nlte BR 4 6399 MID-SOUTH Ton jmm Any I nun is J-4JVJ ROGER SPRlNGS-v MI OFF -J rm nouse 1 ot or pine $1250 $'00 do Nile BR 4 4399 MID-SOUTH RFAI ESTATE AGENCY 200 Evergreen Any Time BR5 3J93 4U I 'i 40 A ON II 'JISJ' Pn hlway All in pine Tip wmfa MID-SOUTH REAL ESTATE AGENCY TOT f-v-f jatf-n Any lnif AVI ii'J JV I AA kit Tf I 7 mrvji-rn horn-R 50 faca eittU $A0 000 down I KAUi-rNifpi HK 4 ftVT MID SOUTH REAL ESTATE AGENCY 200 Evergreen Any Time BR 3 2393 70 Ml EON GRAVEL 150 wooded A Lot! of pin nd pop I ir wi per ecre Nlte BR 44799 MID-SOUTH REAL ESTATE AGENCY 300 EvergreenAny Time BR 5 3393 NSET Fmou Ranch 500 acrei 12 pastures each with lake lovely modern Colonll hnme 3 lennt houses 150 head while fce cttle frm equipment Walkout Victor Ashmote EX 7 0007 Sttidrldie Realtor BJ 7 253 1 3 3A0ACRE cattle ranch one of Ar kansas best Modern home nts of waler and mass wrings 3 miles nf rreek through ranch Free Catalog Bee Vanemhurg Realtor Ratesville Arkansas Timborlondt PULPWpOD on more than 1000 ai res for sale near 'onei laiksdale Miss Paul II Miss Ph 35-R Sardis Real Istato Wonted for Your Property Wa Rur Sell nr Trade JA 1449 WFCLCH RftOR 700 Third Top For Your Property JIM GIARDINA Realtor FA 7 8034 3613 Poplar MU 2 6194 INVES'IOR with cash wants a com mercial or Industrial property A ONOLI Reaitnrs FA 3 7673 -1340 Ponlai I A 4 3790 HAVE CASH Wlll" BUY EQuif CAM II-GGI II eia AMOK Gl 2 0962 1129 Poplar Res FA 4-4071 LET US SELL Your Home For You aoiuitt I7AASJT CCS Ml UAMII t'idaT direct to owner anj size I actual sunt to but A im Rar ouch 3491 Limar tcs tJhv i-i i no Ttinp "Spot 'ti iohn A t' rush aa rjq 3589 ParK GL3040 CASH -HOME LAND OR LOT JACK ERB CO REALTORS riL POPLAR WjWlnrtATMFpK d'-iiio K1W Madison Rlf OR P1L TOT 163 Byrd Stanage Co Realtora 1350 Monroe Insurors I tien blinds AC and washer connec-1 'PP- 1716 AUTUMN at Evergreen Largei 2-bdrm apt Will wire for A' rs Stove refneerator neat water bu top BR 6-4927 TOM MFRRIWEfliER-Newly dec 4 large rms hth water furn $4250 month BR 4-2502 f366-1368 HARBERT 3 rmi $55 2 rmi $4250 Refrigerator gtove water furn gl e-ev "SEARS AREA-MED CENTER Lane new modern BR 4 5872 EA7j415 933 Excellent condition 3 roomi hath central heat furn 1333 At Parkway Modern AOUIIS 47 It f-Tuer 4-rm brick ant Hardwood noon ffM'fal -7-- lUl iw iiaainiiiir-j 1W111 244 Li pvt got room r'erd 1359 3 ntll private en en trance and hath I 'til paid util 1 iWCoFRTFrontrol)mi iiti rmgMyMw 1441 VINTON-3rm ept pvt nam nir Ulil DKO Tiu nr 3 jo i '-'EST 3 cms and bath oupie eue nrower u-rwari 1800 POPI Lovelv a pt Adultli A wired BR 4-5067 BR 6 -1690 Tun gsaDR anua hih 7 hnsnital area Adults' BR 2-1944 I ti -7rh-bZ b-r-7 aa (UnnbJI a NIB ana nam aa jaa jio J605 Adults pvt bdrm bath kitchen dinette GL2-l85 726 3-room apt new furnishlna 150 50 BEDROOM with kitchen utilities $35 One person 1715 Poplar r-EAR Methodist Hospital 3 room 912 wk 249 Pasadena BR 2 3690 KTce clean Private bath j5 trance 42) Holmes Circle GL 2-31 49 ONE-BDR APT bath Pvt util Adulti 9S4 Flltaheth BR 5 3S67 13i5 AGNES Nica 4 rmi pvt bath 220 wiring GL S-8267 74? COURT conv apt hath $1773 Vk Children welcome JA7-9j41 90 BELEVDERE Apt 2 bdrms'' block bus BR 4-9543 Bp! SaK iafaieapt $40 mo RiVATE hath room or apt" 3235 Douglass GL 7-1509 Air cond rARGE 1-room eftrcTency utllTTv k244 Mill JA 7-6209 TdfAL ervice couple Private 3 jmiMiath FA 4-0684 FA 4-6072 158 JL PARKWAY 3 rooms pvt bathjjo Jlrlpklnj 746 I rooms hath wk WH 4638WH 87340 Iy4' 2-frn garage ant near bit utilities $1250 wk BR 2 2739 1367 PARKWAY Small apt i regrl Uli furnished flFcOURT reer I rcroms utllltiei irncea yard hk wwb 1425 McMILLAN upper AC util Private $54 Wrte-1147 1498 Two room garage apt util furn Men only hi au 175 Semmes Util free Nice apt $49 50 ER5-291J 2 rms bath No 770 wiring BK 4A40B Ml 3 rms nvt beth nd ent 57753 Ml OAKV1EW-3 rrhv Private beth and entrance BR JA 3-2733 3345" crNTRATcrean 7 rm pvt hitb ent dec Fmn counle bus 11J? COKER ant nvt Jrjft Nvv mil Adults TA 6-1073 iv52 I 1 T' 1 1 3 room a' ha I Jiilh IR 5-9533 fcNiCEi0WY TW TK 1 1 1 NT Reasonable No 2 bin BR 4-6516 1579 crtURf" Studio "apt nvt nam enrrance No 1 6u Mil 3 3197 TWO BEDROOM apt util turn 'ter6pm BR 6 1749 TWOROOM APT aTjo sleeping rnjm BR 5-9750 1546 Forr' IT ii rT par kw ay -i 'pper'o 'oomi bath BR5-I05I Vi CARR-2-room apt Utilities bk a-Ttni arge ant Strtetly pvt Stove box wter onnns tu nisi aa srsvw run im laia aaani-711 JH WALDRAN Apts 3 nd Ci 187 SOMERVI1LE-yppei Ml 4 M-IM-II-S iV-'Ut 'T mW t-- Hica a room im fll Sionahle RR 5-9450 2254'MbNROE-Upper room fe-tfi 140 HK 4 540' 571 MANASSAS-4 rooms not -fBm 192 CQSSifT-4 ni" nn pvt Stove box Turn $35BR 55758 NFAR "Overton Park--3 firm util new floors $7250 BR 44335: Apti for 121 Methodift Hosp Area New 1-Bdrm Aptt 1179 Linden Stove Refrigerator Blind Water Fnm Montll Dattel Realty 43 Reeonil JA fl-SSlR OL -TlF'1 GOODS ilored In individual boge1 Realtor JA 7 2566 Bldi-Coast to cnst moving "ThrOMnl U'RVJ 1 ipnutLi service lo Calif end Florida iMt'lTIPIa Mitinc REltVh'H BLUFE c'ITY STORAGE JA 7 3311 arj piik Realtors FA CARL'S MOVERS MOVE NOW PAY LATER LOWEST MU 3 2349 i ArTCM il oc-m Is7 WILIX UL 0 3JJI a a 11V a UIM X3SJ A ewei uai ia muni Moving Cost in MAM Mover FA 4-1344 aa Move Yourself (trkrfl) 1 1I 1 CaTHurtr Wet Venfl Ser-teo 230 Oayoao at Fourth JA 6 I Fan shower i or i ouits.
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